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Conference 2024 ጉባኤ

መሪሕ ጥቕሲ - Theme Verse:-

ንሱ ነዞም ክልተስ ሓደ ዝገበረ፡ ነቲ ኣብ መንጎ ዝነበረ ኸልካሊ ቐጽሪውን ዘፍረሰ፡ ሰላምና እዩ፡ ኤፌ 2፡14 | For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. Ephesians 2፡14.

ጉባኤ ዝካየደሉ ዕለት - Conference Date:-

ሓምለ 11 - 14 (July) 2024:

ጉባኤ ዝካየደሉ ቦታ - Conference Venue:-

Medhane-Alem Eritrean Orthodox Church: 4331 Bladensburg Rd, Colmar Manor, MD 20722, Map

ሓበሬታ መዐርፎ ነፈርቲ  - Airport Info

1) Reagan National Airport [DCA]

2) Baltimore Airport [BWI]

መዕረፊ ኣጋይሽ - Hotel Information

$104 Per Night

One king bed or Two queen beds

Discount Code: 2407DEBRES

ዝሓለፉ ዓመታዊ ጉባኤታት




ካብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ዝተረኽበ ንቤተ ክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ንምቁጽጻር ብመንግስቲ ኤርትራ ክካየድ ዝጸንሐን ዘሎን ሽርሒ ዘቃልዕ ቪድዮ 

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ጾምን በዓላትን

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A Message from H.G. bishop Mekarios

መጸናንዒ ቃል ብብጹእ ኣቡነ መቃርዮስ

ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ብኸመይ
