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ጸሎት ምስጋና - The prayer of Thanksgiving

ናይ ምስጋና ጸሎት:- ንገባሬ ሠናያትን መሓርን ኣምላኽ፥ ኣቡኡ ንጐይታናን ኣምላኽናን መድኃኒናን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ። ሰቲሩናን ረዲኡናን፥ ዓቂቡናን ተቐቢሉናን፥ ራኅሪኁልናን ደጊፉናን ክሳዕ እዛ ሰዓት እዚኣውን ኣብጺሑና እዩ እሞ ነመስግኖ ኣሎና። ሕጂውን ንዕኡ በዛ ቕድስቲ ዕለት እዚኣን፥ ብዅሉ ዘመን ሕይወትናን ብፍጹም ሰላም ኪዕቅበና ንዅሉ ዝመልኽ እግዚኣብሔር ኣምላኽና ንለምኖ።

ኦ ጐይታ እግዚኣብሔር፥ ኩሉ እትመልኽ ኣቦኡ ንጐይታናን ኣምላኽናን መድኃኒናን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፥ ልዕሊ ኵሉ ኩነታትን፤ ምእንቲ ኵሉ ኩነታትን፤ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኵሉ ኩነታትን ነመስግነካ ኣሎና። ስለ ዝሰተርካናን ዝረዳእካናን ዘዕቖብካናን፤ ናባኻውን ስለ ዝተቐበልካናን። ስለ ዝራኅራኅካልናን ዝደገፍካናን፡ ክሳዕ እዛ ሰዓት እዚኣ እውን ስለ ዘብጻሕካናን ነመስግን ኣሎና።ኦ መፍቀር-ሰብ ካብቲ ሠናያትካ ንሓትትን ንልምንን ኣሎና። ነዛ ቅድስቲ ዕለት እዚኣን፤ ኵሉ ዘመን ሕይወትናን፤ ንዓኻ ብምፍራህ ብፍጹም ሰላም ክንፍጽም ሃበና።ኵሉ ቅንኣትን፤ ኩሉ ፈተናን፤ ኵሉ ግብረ-ሰይጣንን ምኽሪ ክፉኣት ሰባትን፤ ኅቡእን ግሁድን ዝኾነ ምልዓል ጸላእን፤ ኦ ጐይታ ካባይ ኣርሕቕ፥ ካብ ኵሉ ሕዝብኻውን ኣርሕቕ፥ ካብዚ ቅዱስ ቦታኻ እዚውን ኣርሕቕ።ኵሉ ሠናያትን ዘድሊ ነገርን ዓድለና። ምኽንያቱ ንስኻ ኢኻ ተመንን ዕንቅርቢትን ኵሉ ኃይሊ ጸላእን ክንረግጽ፥ ሥልጣን ዝሃብካና። ካብ ኵሉ ክፉእ ኣድኅነናን ባልኃናን እምበር፥ ናብ ፈተና ኣይተእትወና።በቲ ሓደ ወድኻ ጐይታናን ኣምላኽናን መድኃኒናን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፥ ምእንቲ ፍቕሪ ሰብ ኢሉ ብዝገበሮ ጸጋን ምሕረትን፥ ምሳኻ ማዕረ ምስ ዝኾነ ወሃቢ ሕይወት መንፈስ ቅዱስን፥ ክብርን ግርማን ውዳሴን ኣምልኾን ብኅብረት ምስኡ ናትካ እዩ። ሎምን ኵሉ ሳዕን ንዘለዓለም ዓለም ኣሜን።

Let us give thanks to the beneficent and merciful God, the Father of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, for He has covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us unto Him, spared us, supported us, and brought us to this hour. Let us also ask Him, the Lord our God, the Almighty, to guard us in all peace this holy day and all the days of our life. O Master, Lord, God the Almighty, the Father of our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, we thank You for every condition, concerning every condition, and in every condition, for You have covered us, helped us, guarded us, accepted us unto You, spared us, supported us, and brought us to this hour.

Therefore, we ask and entreat Your goodness, O Lover of mankind, to grant us to complete this holy day, and all the days of our life, in all peace with Your fear. All envy, all temptation, all the work of Satan, the counsel of wicked men, and the rising up of enemies, hidden and manifest, take them away from us, and from all Your people, and from this holy place that is Yours.

But those things which are good and profitable do provide for us; for it is You Who have given us the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, by the grace, compassion and love of mankind, of Your Only-Begotten Son, our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, through Whom the glory, the honor, the dominion, and the adoration are due unto You, with Him, and the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver, Who is of one essence with You, now and at all times, and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.

ምንጪ ጽሑፍ: መዓልታዊ ሾብዓተ ጸሎተ ሰዓታት

Posted on: November 25 October 2008




ካብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ዝተረኽበ ንቤተ ክርስቲያን ተዋህዶ ንምቁጽጻር ብመንግስቲ ኤርትራ ክካየድ ዝጸንሐን ዘሎን ሽርሒ ዘቃልዕ ቪድዮ 

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