Church as a word means those called as a particular people to perform a particular task. The Christian Church is the assembly of God's chosen people called to keep his word and to do his will and his work in the world and in the heavenly kingdom.In the Scriptures the Church is called the Body of Christ (Rom12; 1 Cor10, 12; Col1) and the Bride of Christ (Eph5; Rev21). It is likened as well to God's living Temple (Eph2; 1 Pet2) and is called "the pillar and bulwark of Truth" (1 Tim 3:15). More . . .
- The Orthodox [apostolic] Creed
The Orthodox Church Doctrine: We believe in one God, in the Lord the Father, who holds the whole world, omnipotent, who created everything visible and invisible in heaven and in earth (Gen. 1, 20; Neh. 9. Rom. 1.20). More . . .
Doctrinal Teachings and Church canons
- Saint Mary in the Orthodox Concep
For instance St. Paul , knowing that he was called by God Himself for the ministry of the word through visions and revelations, still asked for the prayers of his people, so that the Lord may grant him the ability to preach.
We then wonder, was the apostle inferior, not to ask God directly to give him what he wanted? Certainly not, but he felt the need to share love and humility with other people. More . . . |