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A letter to Embassy of Eritrea Washington, D. C.

The Eritrean Tewahdo Orthodox Church, Diocese of North America sent a letter to Embassy of Eritrea  Washington, D. C.

To Embassy of Eritrea
Washington, D. C.
February 9, 2008

Dear Sirs:

We patriotic and loyal Eritreans and Eritrean-Americans of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewhado Church in North America write to express our dismay over the campaign of defamation and false accusations that is being waged against us through the Radio Station known as FM WUST1120.

1. Over the past few months, we have been subjected to false accusations via the said radio station accusing us wrongly of joining with forces who have shed Eritrean blood and are daily preparing to continue the bloodshed against Eritrea.
We categorically deny this false and wrong accusation.
2. We have been accused falsely via the said radio station of campaigning against Eritrea under the cover of human rights and religious rights by the government of Eritrea. We categorically deny this malicious and false accusation.
3. We have been accused falsely and maliciously via the said radio station of being instruments of Woyane, the core ruling party in Ethiopia to damage and injure Eritrea. We emphatically and categorically deny this malice and lie against us.
4. We have been accused via the said radio station of being paid agents against Eritrea’s enemies in similar to that during the Haile Selassie and the communist Derg regimes of past Ethiopia. We categorically deny this false accusation.
5. We have been accused via this said radio station of wanting to unite the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo dioceses in North America with that of Ethiopia and Egypt. We categorically and emphatically deny this false and unfounded accusation against us.
6. We have been accused of undermining the Eritrean Church hierarchy and its holy ordinances, synods and spiritual rules. We categorically deny this false accusation. We are loyal to our Church, our Patriarch, His Holiness Patriarch Antonios. We absolutely oppose the illegal removal of His Holiness Patriarch Antonios.
7. We have been accused via the said radio station that we are fugitives (hakelti) and that we face persecution and that the “Eritrean Embassy will not stand with folded arms” as we assert our rights of worship.

Our track record of supporting, sacrificing, and offering our lives, our resources, and our hearts and minds for the protection of Eritrea and for the welfare of the Eritrean people is a matter of record. It may not be appreciated, it may not recognized due to unwillingness to credit our heart-felt dedication, but dedication we have shown, we are showing at this hour and this day and will continue to show until the end. The Eritrean people are our people, our families, our children, our brothers and sisters and our blood and flesh.

Anyone who accuses the integrity of our dedication to Eritrea and to its people commits blasphemy, falsehood, betrayal, distortion of truth. Such falsehood smear have been uttered out of short-sighted malice and not out of concern for Eritrea and for the unity of its longsuffering people.

Be it known

1. That we continue to be loyal and steadfast supporters of the Eritrean people, their flag, their honor, dignity and Eritrea’s territorial integrity totally and wholly now and forever.

2. That the faithful churches you singled out for persecution here in the United States, particularly the Atlanta, Seattle, and Washigton, D. C. Medhanie Alem churches are fortunate to have such dedicated leaders and faithful believers of whom any Eritrean who has the welfare of Eritrea should be proud off.

3. That we will seek legal protection and redress from further attack using the said radio station or other media outlets.

In view of this, we ask you to refrain from this malicious accusation and trying to ignite hate among the believers through the said radio station. We also ask you to respect the laws of the land of separating religion and politics.


May God Bless H.H. Abune Antonios



Eritrean Orthodox Church Diocese of North America
P.O.BOX 390486 
Snellville, GA. 30039

CC. Radio Station WUST1120

Hits: 2891